• Why PMs should love CI

    I love my job as a Program Manager at GameHouse. There are a lot of reasons why — good people on my team, working on interesting problems, opportunities to learn. But that’s been true of most of my past jobs too. When I really dig into why I like my...
  • Virtues of starting sprints mid-week

    Our team switched to a mid-week sprint cycle 14 sprints ago and we love it. Our team consists of six developers (4 in main office, 2 offshore) working in two-week sprints. Our every-other-week meeting schedule is: Wednesday morning: Sprint Review Wednesday afternoon: Backlog Review (PO and SM adjust priorities, finish...
  • Cole’s Eatery

    There’s this restaurant in my neighborhood, Cole’s Eatery, that doesn’t have its garbage picked up. Instead the owner walks around our neighborhood and dumps his garbage in all of our yards. When challenged, Mr. Cole says, “I’m sorry, but if I have to pay for garbage service, it will increase...
  • Mike Perham’s Board Games and Beverages party at RailsConf13

    Photos from this jolly event
  • Don’t crowdfund fireworks. Crowdsource unfireworks.

    Oh no! Yet again, no big corporate donor is stepping up to sponsor a big 4th of July fireworks show in Seattle! It just hasn’t been the same since the collapse of WaMu — the last big company in Seattle that seemed to care about traditional civic beneficence. My hunch...